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Night talk at KINERUKU

Hi again, pals! 
Last night, my long-time highschool friend came visiting me. We were on the same school but different grade. We haven't met like months and last night, we decided to hang out in a place that we've never visited before. 
I basically like to visit a new place. Well, this one wasn't a really new, but I just got a chance to visit it last night. Here we go!

It's KINERUKU, took place on Jl. Hegarmanah (I totally forgot the number cause we're too busy reading on the maps :p) The first thought came up on my mind at that time was ..... 'Sepi bingit ini jalanan~' hahaha Ya maybe because it was raining at that time so people tend to stay inside their warm house. 
It's not really difficult to find it. From Dago, it only took 15 minutes to get there.

So, when I arrived there, I saw a really beautiful garden. (I forgot to take the picture of the garden. Hikss) The place is sooo cozy, warm, and yes it's a beautiful house we saw there. It has 2 parts. The library and the cafe. We decided to visit the cafe first because I was so hungry. 
The foods and drinks there were casual like nasi goreng, sandwich, french fries and coffees like greentea latte, espresso, vanilla latte and so on. I found the food there was mostly not a typical food that can make you feel 'full'. Lol! I ordered an omelete and greentea latte, and my friend ordered a cup of Vietnamese coffee (not really sure that's the correct name haha) 

The Plating was simple yet it's pretty ( I was thinking to make this kind of breakfast to be served to my husband later LOL)
But, it's not the food which makes this place is so special. I looked around and look what I found there 
So many old stuffs! Call me 'norak' but I swear I never found stuffs like this before.

They have old bike, old television, old magazine, even old vinyls! Soo coool! 
Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to visit the library because it's closed on 8 PM. Maybe next visit.. Definitely! 
Well, I officially recommend this place to chill with your best! 👍🏻


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