'Life is too short to think about what others think about you'I think in this life, there will always people who hate you no matter what you do. And I guess this is what my dad told to me 'This is real life'. You will meet that kind of person who can do anything for your happiness, or maybe you will meet that kind of person who will mock at everything you do.
I may run this life since 22years ago, but I already got to know many kinds of 'friends'. Friend who stays behind you, always texting you even you haven't meet her in couple of years. Friends who remind you by slapping your face with their sarcastic comment. Friends who can be crazy with. Friends who seem to stand right behind you, but they're actually put the bomb from behind in your pocket. But I don't regret for having those kind of friends. If I don't meet them, I will not learn. Learn to live my life. Learn that life is not just about breathing or look for something to eat to survive your living. Life is much more than that. You will face many things you've never imagine before.
I just know something, if someone is doing something bad to you, I just have to be nice to them. Give them the most sincere smile I have. It's not a fake smile. It's to show them that the mess they've made doesn't affect me at all. I guess that quote above is kind of true. I agree with that. I never push you to like me. Seriously. I'll be thankful if you like me, but if you don't, it's totally your problem. I just want to live my own life, making the best memories as much as I can. And the only thing I believe in this world is, God always has a good plan for you. So when people get you down, it's part of His plan to lead you to the good thing.. amen.
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